Monday, April 30, 2007

All is quiet this Monday morning, and instead of tackling my very long to-do list right away, I will let you in on a few recent happenings in and around the Schraefel farm!

On April 13 (which was Bud's birthday), Adam and Derek and I traveled to not-so-sunny Alberta to visit the Lacombe Schraefels and take in Amaris' confirmation at St. Mary's in Red Deer. We of course came across some typical Alberta drivers:
Unfortunately, this one was the head of the family we were visiting!

We had a great couple of days catching up with Mark and Lisa and their great kids. Nicolas came to the confirmation, and we got the see Nathan the next day at Mark's.

Amaris with Father Paul. Mark introduced us to Father Paul, and this intelligent man agreed that we came from God's country.

Derek's not looking too thrilled, possibly because there were 160 confirmands, which took some time, and Derek is not all that pumped about being in church at the best of times, especially on a Friday evening!

Mark was too tight to spring for a photographer, so took all the pictures of himself, himself.

Avalon finally warmed up to me, and then stuck like glue for the rest of the evening. It was great!

Clem was one of 25 people hand-picked by the president of the Saskatchewan Hockey Association to attend the first-ever hockey summit, held in Regina. It was also on the 13th, so we went in separate directions that weekend. Clem said it was a great meeting, and he learned lots. For those of you with Luseland connections, Clayton Muench was also there, representing Martensville.

Stephen decided to stay in Kerrobert that weekend for cousin Dylan's birthday party. As a present, Stephen taught Dylan how to sneak out of one's bedroom and roam small-town Saskatchewan until the wee hours. Stephen is now forgetting what his dirtbike looks like.

Adam and Stephen took the Hunter Safety course offered by Sask Wildlife (the federation, not the actual wildlife). They would not have taken it if their mother had realized it was every evening for two weeks. However, we managed and they both passed with flying colors. Yeah, my kids know how to shoot - every mother's dream.

Clem has started seeding. We have finally had some warm, spring-like weather, and it's wonderful. It does mean a lot more work around here, but the boys are getting to be a big help. Derek especially likes to be outside. Besides the fresh air, it means he may be called upon to drive something, which he loves doing! He will often give Clem a lift to and from the field. Clem has been enjoying his new toy - the tractor. We even have a hard time getting him to come in and eat!

I am happily planning a trip to Scotland in July. Lisa will meet me there, and we will explore the land of our ancestors for two weeks. I can hardly wait! I'm just not sure two weeks will be enough time to do everything I'd like to do, but I am sure Clem couldn't handle more than 14 days with "the boys". So it will have to do, and I may just have to go back again some time!

For any of you who heard that we lost our new video camera, relax. We found it! Someone cleaned up the studio (Clem? Adam?) and put it in a very safe place. Now Adam has another gig videotaping a wedding. Cousin Don Snell is getting married May 26. Tracey's shower was on Saturday. It was quite nice, as showers go, with entertainment provided by Margie, Bobbi, and Jaycee. The stagette that night was a bit rowdier. Suffice it to say it involved huge geese, "Strip and Go Nakeds", and Aunt Lorraine's freezer.

Well, that's a wrap for now. Thanks for stopping by!


P.S. Carl, our toilet paper is white. At least to start with.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What news?

Yes, we're still here, but with hockey over, it seems there's not much new to report! We're all playing catch-up with all the things we didn't get done when we were sitting in a rink.

Clem is busy outside these days, getting machinery ready and cleaning grain. It has been staying quite cold, so the ground is still hard enough to move things around, and the trucks can come and get our grain from last year. The BIG news is that Clem bought a new tractor, a big blue Ford, which he says has virtually the same engine as the 30-year-old Versatile that we have been using, and will continue to use. If it is as good a tractor as the latter, it will prove to be a good purchase. He was out buying that when I had my little heart episode, so I tease him that he gave me a heart attack. And speaking of that, I have been thoroughly checked out, and all is fine. I will be around for many more years to ride herd on these wild boys of ours.

Adam and Stephen are happy to have their dirt bikes out again. They have found lots of mud and muck this spring. They are getting all the kinks worked out of the bikes again, and we have been spending quite a bit of time and cash at Strutt Yamaha in Kindersley! Clem has made a deal with Derek that if Derek can control his temper and not whine for one month, he will get a dirt bike. Well, I have never known Derek to act so nicely and be so helpful. He has volunteered to do the dishes twice and his room is staying clean. We are only into day three, though, so time will tell.

We had a great time at Rob's wedding on March 17. They had the wedding at the church in Luseland and the reception at the hall in Kerrobert (reminiscent of 17 years ago!) Adam and Stephen were ushers, and Adam was the videographer at the church. They did a fine job. Derek was the altar server at the church, and did his best to disguise his boredom during the homily! Clem and I "sang a little" at the church and at the reception, Jay and Mark were best men, and Lisa was home from Moscow, so it was a real family affair. Jay gave the best toast to the groom I have ever heard, Rob wrote and performed a song for Amber, and then Rob and Amber entertained with a couple of songs. All in all, a great day. Rob and Lisa both have pictures on their blogs, but I'll put up a few of ours, too.

Mom looked stunning, and seemed very positive about the whole thing.

Stephen looked exceptionally handsome, but suffered from some rare eye problem (or maybe it was the camera's problem!)

What a cute little altar server!

Who needs a professional photographer?

Who knew Jackie O. was going to show up?

And here she is with soon-to-be-mama Terri and cousin Ashley.

Rob loves it when people are looking at him!

After all the excitement of the wedding, it was nice to have a quiet Easter this year. Our neighbor, Carol, was in an accident on the Tuesday before Easter, and went from the Saskatoon hospital to the Kerrobert hospital on the following Saturday. Her family came for supper with us that day, and we made her a plate of home-cooked food for Easter. She is still in hospital, but is doing much better. She banged up her arm, and broke three ribs, so she will be recuperating for a while yet. Looks like Lyle is without his "hired man" for seeding!

OK, mom and Carl, that's what's new. As Clem says, we're busy outside, so don't look for much news till after harvest!

Take care, and thanks for stopping by!